Forum Entry on Donham
I appreciated a number of references in the
Donham (2005) article. They include those referring to journaling, using the
planning guideline from the AASL (1999),
using your passion to maintain enthusiasm and the list of
characteristics of a leader.
Journalling: She said that we should ask the following questions when we
journal – “What did I learn today? Whom did I nuture today? What challenge did
I confront today? How did I make a positive difference today?”
Using A PlanningGuide for Information Power: Partnerships for Learning
(American Association of School Librarians ) 1999.
This, she writes, involves
setting a direction and writing steps out describing how to reach set goals.
This spoke to me as we have just finished writing a mission statement at
school, which refers to 21st
learning. It has inspired me to incorporate this into my
planning for the library.
Passion My passion is technology and its uses in teaching and learning.
This article gives me permission to pursue this and hone my skills in this area.
List of characteristics of
the leader She refers to Warren Bennis (1999) who
lists a number of ways a leader can be described. He included: “technical
competence…conceptual skill…people skills…. Judgment…(and) character.
This article has given me a framework to
move forward with my work as a TL. It has done this by putting into context and
giving a reason for many of the things I
was already doing or could do better.
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