Friday, March 2, 2012

Wiki 2012

We have iPads at school with a limited memory. I have been trying to work out how to get around this problem so that the children can work collaboratively using the wiki I made last year. I have discovered that it is accessible by the children in my school, i.e. it is not a restricted site, anymore.
I am using it this year so that the children can compile there notes and share with other children in their class. It will also mean that they can access the wiki in class  or at home, which will give them time to write their information sheets or any other work. They need this extra time as the time they have in library isn't always sufficient to get  things done.
What it means in terms of the iPads is that they will be able to write their notes using the iPads and then view those notes elsewhere without having to email to themselves! This is a problem I have been trying to nut out for a while.

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