Thursday, February 24, 2011

Social Media and the DET

I set up a  2 wikis, as advised by a course I went to on wikis,  for my Stage 3 students. It took me hours and I plan to use it for research purposes and collaborative note taking. For the former it works perfectly. The children are able to log on easily and access the websites I put their for them. The wiki is set to private so only the children, their teachers and I can access it.
The problem is  the DET won't let them edit their or my work when they  go through their portals. We will have to do it offline and then upload it. Naturally, I will work within the department's guidelines but it is very frustrating.
I received a post today on the NSW TL listserv from Isabelle Cameron that suggested I try Edmodo which I will. However, it is very annoying when I followed the suggestions from the course I went on and I  still had so many problems. I am going to ring the course convener and let her know what happened.
I will keep posting about its progress . Roll on wikiEd.

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