Monday, June 13, 2011

Exciting changes in my library work and studies.

Oh how quickly things are moving for me this year. V. is starting to study more; R too and U is growing up so quickly. On a professional front, I am making my own website for school using Weebly. This can be used for my assignment for my masters so that works in nicely. Also, it means that I will have to buckle down and make the website more quickly than I originally had in mind, which I suppose is a good thing. I can't put a link to the website because it is, at the moment, unpublished.

Another exciting thing that has happened recently  is that Fearless from the book by Colin Thompson is coming to our school this week. I have the children all primed for his arrival. I did this by bringing my stuffed Lu Lu to school saying that she came to wait for her new friend Fearless. The children are almost as excited as I am. I will take pictures and use them to make a Photopeach of his visit.

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