Friday, April 1, 2011


I have just finished cashing up for my first bookfair. The parents and I sold $5700 worth of books. This means we raised $1700 in commission. I have spent this money on purchasing the 365 days series and the 29 Clues series. both of which the other librarians on the listserv say fly off their shelves. One of my personal missions is to get more of the boys reading in Stage 3. Maybe I should do a little action research to see what difference these books make to them. Maybe I could find out how many books they have borrowed before I put them on the shelf and then see what happens after they go out and I have done a few book talks.
I also spent the money on a simple camera for the library so that I don't have to go all the way to the office every time I , or the children want to take pictures. As well as the camera, I  bought the school's first post-modern listening post. I hope the quality is alright.

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