Thursday, December 30, 2010

Other People's blogs

Hi I am starting to collect other people's blogs which will benefit my blogging at school in the future. I have  now a Diigo account and a Delicious account. I did this because I am frightened the latter will die out. I will try and save my blogs that I like on the page of this blog so that I can get to them easily.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Web 2.0 tools and higher order thinking

I am starting to understand how web 2.0 tools can be used for higher ordr thinking skills. One way which I would like to try when I go back to school is digital story making. I found a site which suggested that you could ask students to read a book. then they could find where the problem is in the the book. Using this info they could then make  story board where they would describe the story up to the problem with the aim of making the book appealing for others to read. They would  then make a digital story of this process. I was thinking this could be done by photopeach and taking  pictures of reinacting the story. This would get around any copywright issues.
I have included here a link to a book that writes about this topic.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


What an amazing wiki. Yes it seems you can imbed a wiki into a blog. When I have time, I will have a good look at this wiki. I will have to look at one tool to use when I go back to school. All this info is a bit overwhelming.

Mindmap Tool - *How To Mindmap* with

Using Webquest

I had an interesting conversation with my friend and colleage Yasmin last night. She was talking about making a journey vid for Dewey the cat. It could travel between our two schools. Should be fun.
I was telling her about webquests. I will definitely put them into the catalogue for ANPS. I think they will appreciate and enjoy them.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Big Universe E -Books

Insects by kate_rose

I have found this great site that is called Read, Create and Share. For a year it costs around $1,000 . The children can use the site to read books and create their own digital books which can be viewed by others. Looking at these kinds of sites makes me start to think about whether it would be advantageous to do some free trials of these sites to see what the school and the teachers think of them. Once I have been at my school for a term I will start looking at this and talking to the principal.

Stu Hasic's Times Table gadget

Just thought I would put this here as a way of experimenting with my blog.

Does this go on the Experimenting page

Friday, December 10, 2010

Which page does this post go to?

Let's see.

Delicious Link

Yes it works. I could probably put it in as a link on the side bar. I will give that a go but right now I am supposed to be working on my assignment.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

First blog

I have tried a number of different platforms to launch my blog for my Masters. I don't like edublog because they want me to pay money to have widgets!! So I am back to Blogger. I hope it is better.